Wednesday, July 9, 2014

D.8, D.9, D.10

An alloy is a combination of atoms involving two or more metals.  Making an alloy can help strengthen metals by mixing them with other elements with better qualities.  For example, a niobium and tin alloy is superconductive.  Superconductivity means that the alloy has the ability to conduct an electric current without any electrical resistance.  Making alloys can be useful on the macroscopic level to help the sustainability level of future generations.  Sustainability preserves the ability of future generations to thrive and meet their resource needs on a habitable Earth.  Renewable resources like water, air, soil, plants, and animals can be maintained indefinitely, and nonrenewable resources, such as metals, natural gas, coal, and petroleum, cannot be readily replenished.  The four Rs (rethinking, reusing, reducing, and recycling) help us to better the future for later generations and use the least amount of resources we can, effectively.  

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